The Best Remedy For Restless Leg Syndrome?

(Hint; It’s sex.)

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Restless Leg Syndrome is on the rise. The National Institute of Health finds that about 11% of all Americans face this frustrating issue from time to time. A little under  5% of all Americans  are currently dealing with it every night.  If effects twice as many woman as men and its likelihood seems to increase based on how many children a woman has had.

Unfortunately, the prescription medications often prescribed by doctors are associated with horrific side effects that cause patients to quickly discontinue treatment with the meds. The most common RLS medications are dopamine antagonists… drugs that basically dumb down your entire nervous system… including your brain. It’s like turning down the volume on a radio… everything in the brain gets quiet.

Luckily, in many cases, RLS is caused by a simple iron deficiency and associated with a low grade case of anemia. This can be quickly solved by talking to your doctor (or other healthcare provider more knowledgeable in nutrition) about taking a high quality iron supplement. In many cases, this anemia is caused by menstrual issues such as frequent or heavy periods. If this is the case, talk to your doctor, herbalist or acupuncturist about solving this issue as well.

RLS relief is also commonly found in taking other nutritive supplements. Often a calcium, potassium, magnesium or manganese boost does the trick. So talk to a knowledgeable practitioner about your supplement options for long term relief.

And make sure you buy a good brand of vitamins; most stuff available in the big box stores and grocery stores are garbage. L The product’s ability to be assimilated by our body is important. For example, if you take a vitamin with “iron oxide” as its ingredient, virtually none of it will be absorbed by the body. Zero. It’s like sucking on a rusty nail… virtually useless since your body cannot absorb that chemical form of iron. All of the other minerals have a similar issue. Typically, the cheaper vitamin supplements on the market are made of these cheap crap ingredients. It’s an unconscionable  scandal, actually. So, again, talk to a knowledgeable practitioner or clerk. They will steer you in the right direction.

There are also many fantastic Chinese herbs proven to be effective for eliminating RLS forever.  Chinese herbs correct the underlying issues that are causing the RLS once your malnutrition is addressed. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the purpose of herbal medicine is to address and correct the underlying CAUSE of the symptom rather than just relieve or suppress or cover up the symptom or complaint. Check with your herbalist for the proper herbal formula for you (i.e. since every body is different, your herbal prescription will be more effective if its formulated and chosen based on you and your unique situation. One size does not fit all.).

But in the meantime, if you are dealing with Restless Leg Syndrome and are looking for quick  relief tonight, then do this; have sex tonight.

Sex (with another person, preferably) has long been hailed as the “greatest medicine known to man”. That is not an exaggeration.  Sex triggers a cacophonous dump of valuable neurotransmitters throughout your entire nervous system and body… dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, enkephalins, etc. Leading to a thorough calming of those fidgety leg nerves… leading to a quiet night sleep.

So have sex. It may relieve your Restless Legs and give you a great night sleep. Several studies show that it is far more effective than any other prescription remedy.

Give it a try tonight. What do you have to loose. The intimacy and bond building sure won’t hurt a marriage.* It also has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression, improve insomnia, boost heart health, boost your immune system and even put some zip in your step the next day.

Sex is fantastic medicine so you should be sure to incorporate it into your healthy lifestyle maybe even starting tonight.


Can Acupuncture Prevent Colds & Flus?


Can Acupuncture Prevent Colds & Flus?

Flu season has come early this year due to a strain of virus not typically seen this time of year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC announced on Friday that there have already been an estimated 1.7 million illnesses, 16,000 hospitalizations and 910 flu deaths this year in the US so far.

Most commonly getting worse first in the southern states, Minnesota’s cold and flu season doesn’t typically start until around January. But this year, Minnesota has already seen its unseasonably early fair-share of flu cases. Already, there have been over 50 hospitalizations in Minnesota THIS WEEK ALONE for the flu.

What’s worse, government medical officials fear that the strains of flu included in this year’s flu vaccine do not match up well with the actual strains of virus in circulation.


Meaning that this year’s flu vaccine may not be as effective this year as they had hoped. This wouldn’t be the first time the flu vaccine struck out and was found to be statistically ineffective.

So even if you got your flu shot, you may still be at risk…

…But it doesn’t have to be that way.

We are often led to believe that once we get our flu shot, that’s all we can do… it’s a case of “wait and see” if it worked. Just roll the dice. Maybe that’s ok for some people, but I’m not much of a gambling man and rolling the dice with just a flu shot isn’t what I want to do. I’d much rather “stack the deck in my favor” by doing more. Thankfully, there are many things that you can do to help prevent colds & flus this year.

Here is a short list of things you can do this week (and the next) to boost your immune system.


  1. Getting enough rest is one thing. Consider going to bed according to your own internal clock versus the clock on the wall. This time of the year it is actually appropriate to go to bed at 7:30 or 8:00 rather than 10:30 or 11:00. If you are waking up tired and groggy rather than refreshed, it means you aren’t in sync with your own body’s sleep cycle. Try switching it up.


  1. Another is to go for walks or other form of exercise. Get some exercise and some fresh air and sunshine. Be active this winter. Few things are awakening as a breath of fresh winter air. Specifically, walking outdoors in nature has been shown to give an extra boost your immune system and protect you from illnesses. The sun’s rays helps the body produce its own vitamin D which is a vital nutrient for a healthy immune system. Sunshine can also help stave off cancer, depression, heart disease and low testosterone and/or estrogen.


  1. A nutritious diet of whole foods is also a number one ingredient to a strong immune system. Is hard to eat healthy when we go out to eat or eat processed foods, so get into the habit of cooking for yourself and your family this winter season.


  1. Consider meditating or get in a habit of quiet contemplation or prayer. Oodles of studies show that even 10 minutes of sitting quietly helps ameliorate stress (cool word, huh?) and boost your immune system. There are tons of videos online for guided meditations if you need some help getting started. Or just ask me.


  1. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. For literally thousands of years, the Chinese have successfully treated symptoms of viral colds and flus along with bacterial infections. It boosts your overall health and specifically your immune system. If you have other health issues, a well trained acupuncturist (like me) can treat many of your health concerns all in one visit.


How does acupuncture help prevent colds and flus?

Acupuncturists have been treating colds and flus literally for thousands of years. But even more importantly, acupuncturists have been PREVENTING colds and flus by treating people before they catch the cold or flu. Because as they say, “an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure”. Traditionally, people would visit their village acupuncturist 4 times each year at the change of the seasons to best support the body and prevent seasonal health issues. Even today, many people come for their seasonal acupuncture “tune up”.

According to the traditional way of looking at acupuncture, it helps by strengthening the body’s own natural immune system by unblocking energetic blockages in the body’s natural energy flows. The Chinese called this energy “qi”. Whenever it is compromised or stuck, illness will result. A metaphor might be having a kink in your water hose out in the garden. If the kink isn’t addressed, the flowers in your garden do not get what they needs and they quickly suffer, languish and eventually get sick. The same goes for our body; a kink in the energetic pathways of our body can lead to compromised flow of qi and blood and lymph and nerve signals, metabolism, immune system and hormones… leading to illness. Acupuncture can figuratively “unkink” these blockages in the body and restore proper energy flow to restore optimum health.

From a more modern understanding of acupuncture, good acupuncture helps trigger all sorts of neurochemicals, triggering the body to make its own medicine such as its natural pain relievers, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxants, enkephalines, etc. In the case of the immune system, it helps restore blood flow to the various organs, triggers the production of more white blood cells, reduces cortisol levels, lowering the effects of overwork and stress, etc. In medical research jargon, it acts as an “immune modulator”.  But put simply, Acupuncture triggers the body to make its own medicine to restore good health and optimize your immune system so it can fend for itself this winter.

So if you are looking for an additional ways to protect yourself and your family this year, consider Acupuncture; The Greatest Value In Medicine

Happy Chinese New Year !!!

On Feb 5th, we will celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. The world biggest celebration… bar none. This year marks the beginning of the “Year of the Pig”. Do you know which of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals you are?



If you were born in 1924,1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 or 2008 you are a “Rat”. That’s what I happen to be; a “Water Rat” to be precise. According to Chinese astrology, Rats are going to have a prosperous 2019. Rats are known for saving and collecting, being sharp with money and living organized lives. They keep a low profile; shying away from the limelight of fame and recognition. They seem to have a “spidey-sense” to know when there is trouble on the horizon. They like being prepared. They rarely take risks, but when they do they are usually successful. Pretty interesting stuff.




According to the Chinese Astrology you were born in the year of the “Ox” if you were born in 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1986, 1997 or 2009. People born in the year of the ox tend to be hard workers and have a strong sense of responsibility and honesty. Very industrious. Even when things are tough, they persevere. They tend to not exactly be known for their romantic skills and tend to be more quiet and bottled up making it hard for others to understand them or get romantically involved. Yet they are well known for being very devoted to family.




One of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals is the Tiger. You are said to have many of the attributes of a tiger if you were born in the years 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 or 2010. This includes such things as high self esteem, leadership skills, being noble and protective of others who need protecting and a seeker of justice.They are tenacious and never willing to admit defeat. They always persevere in the face of adversity so are good workers who always see a difficult task through to the end. They are the king of all beasts and the guardians of little children.




So if you were born in the years 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 or 2011, you are considered the Rabbit. Those born under this sign tend to be quiet and polite, patient, intelligent and very chic. Their attention to detail leads to great career success. They also take love & romance very seriously. When they find the right person, they will love them to the end of the world and back. Rabbits are really nice to be around.




One of the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac is the “Dragon”. If you were born in the years 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 or 2012, you are a Dragon. If you are anything like a Dragon, you have a heart full of adventure and romance. At the same time very alluring and very mysterious to those around you. You tend not to be frazzled or bothered by thing other people are worried about; you seem above it all. Always very poised and in seemingly in control of the situation. You like your lounging & relaxation time very much, but when you decide to do something you are more ambitions and vigorous than anyone else.




One of my favorite Chinese Zodiac animals is the “Snake”. If you were born in 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 or 2013, then you are considered a “snake”. Contrary to what you may first think, this is not a bad sign, but rather a very auspicious one. These are some powerful people. Snakes tend to be idealists; constantly devoted and determined to see a project to the end; whether it is understand a topic, seal the deal, right a wrong or develop a strong and deep romantic relationship with someone. Whatever it is that they are into, you can be sure that it will be very intense.




The countdown to the Chinese New Year on Feb 5th continues! Lets talk about the “Horse”. It is one of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals and if you were born in 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 or 2014, then you are a “horse”. People born in this year tend to have a “never surrender” attitude and are always upbeat and positive, pushing themselves forward even when times are tough. They just want to be free and without being tied down with obligations, so they tend to be dedicated and hard work to accomplish this… moving forward toward that freedom. This is sometimes an issue for those looking to tame them in a relationship.




The Happy New Year Celebration Build-Up Continues!!! Today’s animal is the Goat. If you were born in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 or 2015, you are born under the sign of the goat. Now don’t you worry, the goat has some amazing qualities. They are pure and kind hearted, never wanting to upset the apple cart of others. Yet they work tirelessly to fulfill their own dreams and goals. They are masterful as leaders using their “soft power” to coax the best out of other people. They are diplomatic to the core and can get just about anyone to come to their side.




One of everybody’s favorite Chinese Zodiac animals is the “Monkey”. People born in the years 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016 are considered to have the qualities of a monkey; Free-hearted, fun, energetic, a bit frenetic and wildly curious about the world. They LOVE adventure and discovering new places. These are the people you want to be around to have a great time. They are full of love and joy for life and others and spoil their kids with fun, love and adventure. They make amazing entrepreneurs as long as the project continues to holds their interest, but if they loose that interest, then they are quickly off to the next thing.





According to the Chinese Calendar, there is a 12 year cycle, each represented by a different animal. So if you were born in the years 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 or 2017, then you are a Rooster. Roosters are amazing because they have a certain intuition that lets them know how others are feeling and even what they are thinking. They have quick reactions and very emotionally solid. This makes them ideal for high stakes jobs dealing with others. They are creative and talented in the arts and have the foresight to plan very carefully. They are spectacular to look at and a joy to be around.




As we say goodbye to the Year of the Dog we say hello to the Year of the Pig. We celebrate the wonderful year that was. Tomorrow is Chinese New Years Eve; the largest celebration ON EARTH.  For those born this past year or in 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 and 2006, you are under the sign of the “Dog”; conservative, loyal, dedicated and protective. Never too flashy and dutifully serving others and following the rules. You have a tremendous sense of justice and work tirelessly to seek that justice in the world. Solid people in every sense of the word. People born under the Dog sign more than anything else just want to live a quiet and peaceful life with their family.




Happy Chinese Year of the Pig. This is gonna be HUGE. Buckle in for a fantastic year ahead. This is especially true for you if you were born in the years 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 or 2007; because this is YOUR year. Pigs are seen as a very auspicious animal in Chinese culture. People born under this sign are amazing at solving problems… any problem. They are almost magical in how lucky they are and always seem to catch a break and accumulate wealth. They aren’t exactly the best communicators and may even seem a bit grumpy to outsiders; but to their family, they are always loving and caring and the center of the household. 2019 is going to be a tremendously successful year for you…whether you like it or not… so be ready for the big changes and success this year, otherwise you will be dragged kicking and screaming and have that success thrust upon you. Expect BIG changes in 2019.



How to prevent osteoporosis…Chinese style…

I had a long-time patient come in the other day who happens to be in her lower 80’s. She was coming in for her monthly “tune-up” as she calls it, and told me about how she slipped and fell on the ice last week while walking her dog. It happened so fast that she didn’t even know it was happening until she was looking up from the flat of her back.

Since she was alone, she slowly managed to get up and walk back home. She had someone bring her to the Urgent Care Clinic who did x-rays and nothing was broken. A few days later she happened to have her routine yearly check up with her regular doctor. They looked at her previous years bone density test (which was borderline) and the doctor decided that she should get the osteoperosis injection to help prevent osteoporosis.

She wasn’t too excited about it. She knew that there were significant side effects from any of the osteoporosis medications and with the shot, there was no stopping should there be any unwanted side effects (unlike a pill that you can stop taking, the shot is a train that you  don’t get to get off for the next 6 months when it starts to wear off).

Knowing that her last bone density test was borderline and she just gave her body a good test (by falling on the pavement without any fractures), she decided to pass on her doctors recommendation for more pills or shots.

When she came to see me a week later she asked me what I thought about all that. She asked me what I knew about the pro’s & cons of the pharmaceuticals for osteoporosis. I was honest with her and explained why I agreed with her decision. She had heard something about how Fosamax actually causing more fractures and osteo-necrosis (bone death). I told her that there were indeed several studies that link the anti-osteoporosis medications with increased hip fractures and jaw bone death. Scary stuff since they are supposed to do just the opposite.

One way to understand how these medications work is the metaphor that they act as a “spackle” for all of the microscopic fractures that our bones normally experience in day to day life. Just like our skin, the old cells are sloughing off and being replaced by new cells that fill in the gaps. With medications such as these, they fill in the gaps with something else… something harder and less pliable than normal bone tissue… leading to more breakable bones, not less. So the osteoporosis medications will indeed made your bones more dense, but they also make them more breakable.

So what else can someone do? Well, taking more calcium doesn’t work either. It turns out that osteoporosis isn’t due to a lack of calcium or magnesium or vitamin D. Most people already have too much calcium floating around in the blood stream…. which is linked to higher incidence of heart issues. Osteoporosis is more of a hormonal dysfunction rather than a vitamin & mineral deficiency.

As an aside; if you did want more calcium in your diet, milk is one of the least efficient places to get it. The calcium in milk is not a very assimilable (absorb-able and usable) form. Green leafy vegetables is a far more efficient source of calcium. More on that later.

Yes, osteoporosis is a hormonal problem, not a calcium problem. That is why it is almost exclusively a post menopausal woman issue; when the hormones of youth have shifted.

brushing-teeth-2103219_1280On a side note, another thing to avoid is fluoride from your city water. This is a whole other topic for another day, but fluoride found in city water has been linked to disrupting hormones and interrupting proper bone regeneration. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste if you feel that you must, but stop drinking it; that absolutely does not help your teeth; fluoride works is a topical application, not a nutritional supplement that you ingest. Its poisonous and a known neurotoxin. You can buy special fluoride filters to remove the fluoride form your city water. More on that later…

weights-652484_1920So what are some non-pharmaceutical ways to prevent osteoporosis? First, and most importantly, start early. The number one prevention for is weight bearing exercise. Squats, dance, Yoga, Pilates, boot camp, weight lifting…things like that. If you start in your 20’s  and 30’s or 40’s, so much the better. The bones are one of those parts of the body that get stronger the more you try to wear it out. So today go find someone in your community that is an expert on exercise. You might find them at the YMCA or the local gym, or that cool church in town that is into that sort of thing or even the Senior Center. They always have exercise classes there and have the know how to give you a great ‘sane and sensible’ workout specifically for your current state of health. So no matter where you are beginning from, start now.

Acupuncture has also been shown to balance out these hormones and potentially been linked to prevention of osteoporosis brakes. But more importantly is getting great nutrition, plenty of direct sunshine (at least 20 minutes per day on your head and bare shoulders) and a good Chinese herbal formula from your local acupuncturist or herbalist. Talking to your friendly neighborhood acupuncturist/herbalist would be a great place to start… (after talking to your doctor first). J

Dry Needling IS Acupuncture


needling faq1What is ‘dry needling’? 

The practice of ‘dry needling’ involves inserting an acupuncture needle into a trigger point and is typically used to treat the pain associated with injuries. A trigger point is a tender spot in a tight band of muscle which causes pain when pressed or squeezed. A dry needling training program often runs for just two or three days – which is just enough time for people to gain a rudimentary understanding of how to ‘needle the point that hurts’ and perhaps deliver short-term symptom relief.


Is acupuncture the same thing as ‘dry needling’? 

The increasing prevalence of the term ‘dry needling’ has created some confusion. Acupuncture practice incorporates many different needling techniques and a variety of these may be required to gain the best results. Dry needling, also known as “trigger point acupuncture” or, more traditionally, as “ashi” acupuncture, refers to just one of these techniques. A licensed acupuncturist is qualified in many techniques, including trigger point acupuncture, and will adopt the best approach depending on the patient’s individual needs. The best approach does not rely on trigger points alone and sometimes trigger points are not necessary at all. If you’re only having ‘dry needling’, you are missing out on most of what a licensed acupuncturist has to offer.


So do acupuncturists offer something more? 

Absolutely. There is much more to acupuncture than the insertion of needles into tender points. Often the tender point will return if the underlying cause is not identified and addressed. Quality acupuncture practice involves comprehensive patient assessment, an acupuncture diagnosis and an individualized treatment plan. Appropriate needling methods and supplementary treatment can then be designed to match the patient’s circumstances. Acupuncturists combine both a traditional understanding of the body from a Chinese medicine perspective with modern innovations from current research; so in addition to methods such as needling, cupping and moxibustion, acupuncturists may use exercise therapy, massage techniques or electro- or laser- stimulation of acupoints. Some may also practice Chinese herbal medicine or other health modalities such as Western herbalism. This comprehensive approach results in a holistic diagnosis and treatment plan.


How does acupuncture work based on Western medicine? 

The public can sometimes be confused or even misled by other medical professionals that acupuncture is only based on traditional Chinese medicinal theories of Qi or energy. This is completely incorrect. In fact, acupuncture is a scientifically proven medical procedure utilized by both western medical professionals as well as eastern medical professionals. Today, you can find acupuncture in many hospitals, clinics, and private practices around the world. We can understand how acupuncture works from a western medical perspective by looking at the following:


  • Acupuncture stimulates and promotes blood circulation that provides essential oxygen and nutrients to facilitate optimal healing and recovery.


  • Acupuncture relaxes muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissues, and relieves spasms and pain.


  • Acupuncture regulates the metabolism and body fluids for optimal health.


  • Acupuncture aids in regulating brain chemicals, neurotransmitters and vital chemicals to calm, reduce pain, and balance the body.


  • Acupuncture breaks up stagnated blood and muscle adhesions deep in the tissues from damage or injury to aid in resolving pain and recovery.


  • Acupuncture stimulates and regulates the nervous system including: Central Nervous System, Motor and Sensory Nerves, Autonomic Nerves, Nerve Trunks, Nerve Receptors in the Skin, Neural Segments, Connective Tissues, and Dermatomes.


Acupuncture is a proven modality that treats many aspects of the body.


  1. Migraines and Headaches: Acute and Chronic.


  1. Sleep Issues: Insomnia, Fatigue, Waking at Night, Restlessness.


  1. Emotional Issues: Depression, Stress, and Anxiety


  1. Gynecological Issues: Infertility, Irregular Periods, and Painful Menstruation.


  1. Neurological Issues: Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Pain, Stroke, Polyneuropathy, Plantar Fasciitis, and Sciatica.


  1. Pain Issues: Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and Chronic Pain.


  1. Injuries: Sports Injuries, Work related Injuries, Repetitive Use Injuries, Chronic and Old Injuries.


  1. Menopause Issues: Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, and Sleeping Difficulties.


  1. Digestive Issues: Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Poor Digestion, Abdominal Pain, Food Intolerances, IBS, Constipation, and Diarrhea.


  1. Skin Issues: Psoriasis, Eczema, Hives, Acne, and Itching.


  1. Respiratory Issues: Asthma, Allergies, Cough, and Sinus Conditions.


Of course this is just a general list. Acupuncture has the capability of aiding in the recovery of almost any disorder when properly utilized by a trained professional.


How safe is acupuncture and ‘dry needling’? 

While acupuncture is considered very safe in the hands of well-trained practitioners, it has also been associated with a range of complications, some of them serious, usually from poorly trained practitioners. Research shows that practitioners who have undertaken short courses have more than double the rate of adverse events than fully qualified practitioners.


Minnesota Acupuncture Laws: 

It’s important to be aware that Minnesota Statutes (Chapter 147B. Acupuncture Practitioners) only allow practitioners licensed by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice to practice acupuncture. Currently, ‘dry needling’ is not written or mentioned in ANY Minnesota state law and is not a legally approved medical procedure. Practitioners utilizing dry needling and who are not licensed as practicing acupuncture under Minnesota state statutes are in fact administering an illegal medical procedure on the public.


Is my practitioner qualified in acupuncture? 

In order to gain Minnesota acupuncture licensure, a practitioner must meet the requirements set forth in the Minnesota Acupuncture Practitioners Statutes including providing evidence of their competency to provide the full range of acupuncture intervention methods to the public. The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) – approved bachelor and higher degree programs teach both traditional Chinese and modern biomedical approaches to health and illness and require substantial supervised clinical practice. If you’re unsure whether your practitioner is a licensed acupuncturist, look for them on the NCCAOM Certified Practitioner Registry or on the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice’s list of licensed medical professionals.

Jason, in particular, has received a Masters degree in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, is Board Certified by the NCCAOM and is licensed to practice acupuncture by the state of Minnesota by the Board of Medical Practice.



Don’t Give Up Those Resolutions

“New Years Resolutions”. They are already bad-mouthing them on the news. Saying that they are foolish and destined to fail. Hog-wash! Unless you are living your perfectly ideal life, you should have resolutions… or goals… or things you will improve. Each of us must recommit daily to adjust, adapt and execute towards those things necessary to create a better life for ourselves and others. Do you need to improve your health or loose some weight or exercise more? All of those are pretty common “resolutions”; and for good reason… they help give us the energy and clear-mindedness to accomplish those things which help others. If you are strong and healthy and sharp-witted, then you are better able to help others. It is a moral imperative to be as healthy as you possibly can so that you can live your life’s true purpose to serve others (hint; that is why you are here). So rise above the negativity of the nay-sayers and have your resolutions. Then tomorrow, recommit to them… or change them… its up to you. Because we all have goals whether we articulate them or not. When we don’t; we find ourselves lost, confused, anxious and tired… not aware of what we need to do or what direction we need to move towards with determination. We find ourselves in avoidance & paralysis mode. But in those moments of clarity, we can make a conscious decision that we need new goals… a new path forward that is aligned with our purpose. Sitting on the couch is not your purpose to be living. Let the naysayers wag their tongues against goals and resolutions. You are too important to sit back and let life happen TO you. New Years is a great time to plan, recommit, realign and move forward on a new path. I wish you the best and I hope to see you along the way there.

Kegels Help Men with “E.D.”

In 1948, gynecologist Dr. Arnold Kegel developed a series of exercises involving what is now commonly referred to as the “pelvic floor” to help women develop physical control over the incontinence that is often associated with childbirth. And eventually urologists began to prescribe these exercises for men who experienced incontinence after prostate surgery.

It turns out that ancient Chinese physicians were suggesting these very same exercises to their male patients several thousand years ago for something a bit different.

Recent studies published in medical literature now suggest that these Kegel exercises are also useful in the treatment erectile dysfunction in men. In some instances, Kegel exercises were found to offer relief from ED equivalent to, or even better than Viagra and Cialis.

Given that Kegel exercises are easy to do, don’t cost anything, have no side effects, and have been shown very effective in several studies, it seems to me that they might be worth a try. There’s nothing to lose by trying, and they just might work.

Here are the four steps of a set of Kegel exercises (you can do it sitting or standing):

  1. Tighten your urinary flow muscles as if you wanted to stop urination.
  2. Hold those muscles tight as you count to 10.
  3. Hold this position while also tightening your anal muscles to another count of 10.
  4. Do a set of ten repetitions three times a day.

Live Life Like an Emperor in 2019

Through the years, many people have asked me how I got interested in acupuncture. “Jason, what made you think about getting into this kind of work?” they’d ask. If you have been one of those people, you’ll probably remember me saying something like “I guess I just watched too many Kung-Fu movies growing up”.

The strange this is, that’s not too far from the truth. Since I was a kid, I loved the mysterious allure of the Far East. Watching movies like “Shogun” and “Big Trouble in Little China” and “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon” left me with a sense of fascination as to how that part of the world had such a well developed society which stood the test of time for thousands of years. I was fascinated by why the sacred mountains of Hua Shan were home to people whom the locals considered “Immortals”. I also wanted to live to be 130 years old! I was fascinated by the question…


But enough about me. What about you.

Wouldn’t you also like to live the long and healthy life of an Emperor or Empress? Historians tell us that back during the “Middle Ages” of 500-1500, when all Europeans only lived 30 or so years, the Chinese aristocracy historically died at an average age of 65! Double the lifespan of their Europeans counterparts.

So what was their secret? Well, as much as I would love to compare the history of medicine in the two regions (that would take several hours and dozens of pages), suffice it to say that the Chinese lucked out to find some of the keys to true health and longevity.

  1. Eat well. Eating a healthy diet of fresh and varied ingredients. Unfortunately, few of us have a kitchen staff to prepare our healthy meals as the emperors did, so we must take the time ourselves to take care of this very important pillar of good health.
  2. Get some exercise. Move and get the blood flowing each and every day. Circulating blood is the only way to nourish and vitalize each and every minute part of our body. The ancient Chinese also realized the importance of exercising your internal organs as well as your external muscles. Today, we can all learn simple exercises that strengthen and improve the function of organs such as the liver, spleen and kidneys. Exercises such as Tai-Chi, Meditation, Qi Gong or Yoga can do this.
  3. Enjoy the simple pleasures in life. All work and no play always leads to a shortened life. Smell the flowers. Play with the children in the back yard. Watch the clouds drift by. Sit and pet the fluffy baby bunnies. Meditate. Snuggle with a loved one & have more sex. Enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
  4. Take Herbs. The Imperial Court recruited the empires best and brightest physicians and kept the very best medicines secret for the imperial court. Today, all of us can benefit from that herbal medical knowledge that was kept secret for millennia. The Chinese are still famous for their exotic elixirs which improve energy, longevity and vitality. The Chinese now commonly use over 20,000 natural substances and foods that can be used as medicine.
  5. Get Acupuncture regularly. The history of acupuncture and the Imperial Court go hand-in-hand; The “Yellow Emperor” Huang Di is credited for writing the oldest still existing book on acupuncture, 3000 years ago. Since the book is so complete, historians believe that acupuncture was in development long before that. The Emperors and his court would utilize acupuncture, not only for health problems, but also to strengthen the body and improve function in all aspects; on the battlefield, in the throne room and even in the bed room (Emperors were known for having hundreds of wives and children).

As you see, the idea of leading a “stress free live” is not on the list. How in the world could a leader of millions of subjects and billions of square miles at constant war lead a stress-free life?!? Impossible.

The key was to bolster up their emotional, physical and mental fortitude so that they could stand in the middle of that whirlwind as still be at peace and think clearly.

What is wonderful is that now we know these secrets of the emperors who lived so long and vitally. So now we can all emulate these behaviors and live just as healthy as the Emperors! “So what benefits could I expect from living the emperor lifestyle?” I’m glad you asked…

  • You would have more Energy.
  • You would Sleep Better and awaken feeling well rested.
  • You’d have much less aches and pains for the rest of your life.
  • You’d experience better athletic performance, whether it’s on the golf course, tennis court or just horsing around with the grandkids on the living room floor.
  • You would have less cold, flu’s and other infections such as shingles, because your immune system would be stronger than anyone you know.
  • You would be sure to see clearer and have sharper thinking; No more brain fog and no more unproductive constant worrying.

The problem is that all of us have been brought up NOT living this lifestyle of good health as the Emperors did. So we have some “catching up” to do.

We have some “Imperial Rehab” to do.

What I would recommend to anyone who would like to join me in 2019 on this journey of better health is to start doing those things on that list above. Three of the five things are free to do, while the final two things you could learn to do yourself if you wanted. Medicinal herbs can literally be grown right in your back yard once you know what to grow. And you can send your significant other to college to learn how to do acupuncture on you for free.

Since those last two things take years to learn, I would love to be the one who joins you on this journey in the meantime. I can help with those two important pillars of good health to lead your body back to a healthy balance with herbs and acupuncture.

Now… everyone is starting from a different starting line. Many of you may need only an occasional tweak, while others may be in dire need of a complete overhaul. Since you know better than me how well you respond, I leave it up to you to decide what frequency coming in works best for you. Although I run the risk of sounding like a “used car salesman”; I would however venture a guess that you will need a lot of acupuncture and for a long time, just to get your body back into healthy shape.

That’s why I have created the “Emperors Plan” for those of you who are serious about taking control of your health and determined to regain that good health that’s been lost over the years. The “Emperors Plan” is a kick start of 12 sessions of acupuncture. By purchasing the “Emperors Plan at $489, you’re saving $75 dollars.

The “Emperors Plan” is for the True Aficionados’ of Acupuncture.

So call today to schedule your appointment. Life is so short; and it passes all of us by so very fast. There really is no time to loose. One more day of feeling like crap is just another day lost! Call today and I promise that when we get together, I will do everything I can to make you feel well and healthy as quickly as possible.



P.S. I know its a lot of money, but please remember that good health and prevention is an investment to yourself and to your loved ones. I always suggest that one compares the cost of acupuncture to what they will spend at a single visit to their doctor. To make it easier to afford good acupuncture, you can spread the cost over several months by putting it on your credit card. Or if need be; you can also split the cost of the “Emperors Plan” into two equal monthly payments of $244.50. But for those of you who prefer to pay the full cost up front with cash, check or credit card, I will knock off an additional $25 bucks making the savings an even $100! So that ends up being $464 for 12 sessions ($38.66 per session).

Happy New Years Eve, Eve!

Happy New Years Eve, Eve! I love fresh beginnings like New Years; they give us the opportunity to take stock of “where we are” and “where we want to go”. No matter how good or bad the previous year has been, we now have a new opportunity to refocus on making the changes in our lives that we wish to see. I wish you and your family the very best for 2019.