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Greetings! Welcome to my favorite time of the year: Back To School! I know that sounds funny, but what I mean is that this is the time of the year that the air starts to turn crisp and refreshing and we all get to put away the sandals and shorts and pull out our comfy sweaters for those cool summer nights… heaven.

This is also the time of the year that nature begins to prepare for the long winter ahead. It is the time when things ripen and fatten and get juicy. Just think of the apples and pumpkins and squash that we can all enjoy in the coming months.

This is also the time of the year to return back to a steady routine. During summer, it feels like there is no set schedule… with odd bed times and wake up times for the kids NOT in school and the various vacations and day trips summer brings, it is hard to find a routine during these past summer months… Its discombobulating.

Now that the kids are back in school, we can all have routine. They say that “who” we are and “what” we are and “how” we are is simply the sum total of our daily routines. So if you want to change something about how you feel, just start by changing one or two of your daily habits.

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