Snoring & Sleep Apnea


Stop Snoring!
Get a Good Night’s Sleep!

Why Do Some People Snore?

Is Snoring a Health Problem?

What Can Be Done About It?

Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Chronic Snoring/Sleep Apnea affects an estimated 1 in 4 people in this country.

Snoring can effect the spouse just as much as the snorer.

Recent University studies have even linked snoring to a 5 fold increased risk of cancer and heart disease.

About half of those patients who have been given CPAP machines no longer use them because of the hassle & discomfort.

Acupuncture has been shown to reduce “apnea events” by 49% after even a single session of acupuncture.

A short course of 6 sessions seems to produce the greatest, longest lasting benefit for most people.


Dear Friend,
As anyone who has a snoring spouse can tell you, the sleepless nights, tired feeling during the day and general loss of restful sleep can be a major frustration; often even causing frayed nerves & tensions in the marriage. Not only do the people around the person who snores suffer, but the snoring person can also experience severe fatigue during the day because they are not sleeping restfully at night. Recent University studies have even linked snoring to increased incidence of cancer and heart disease (possibly due to the lack of oxygen throughout the night).

Snoring affects an estimates 50 million people in this country. It can be an indicator of a serious condition known as sleep apnea (interruption of breathing during sleep) and has be even associated with hypertension, stroke, cancer and heart and lung problems.

Now there is an easy and effective solution for the problem of snoring and sleep apnea. You can read about this simple and affordable treatment in this pamphlet. Feel free to call us at (507) 434-8700 with any of you questions.

There is something you can do about it!

What Causes Snoring?

Almost everyone snores from time to time. For some, it’s simply an annoyance, for other’s a serious problem. Most snoring occurs when the jaw and tongue relax and partially block the air way at the back of the throat. This forces the body to inhale at an increased pressure causing soft tissues of the throat to vibrate and produces the noise called snoring. It has been estimated that one in four people are frequent to chronic snorers. Heavy snoring is often a symptom of sleep apnea (apnea comes from the Greek work “apnoia”, which means “without breath”.

Snoring, Fatigue and Sleep Apnea- Are They Related?
Do you wake up feeling nearly as tired as when you went to bed? Experience fatigue for no apparent reason? Do you have trouble staying awake after a meal? Wake up with headaches or unusual feelings of thirst?” If so, you may be experiencing sleep apnea. This condition causes a person to literally stop breathing during sleep. It can happen up to 70 times per hour. The continual interruption of needed sleep (and oxygen) results in fatigue which can become chronic. You end up feeling tired and irritable much of the time, even though you got 8 hours of “sleep”.
The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
The causes of sleep apnea and snoring are similar. Then the air channels become restricted enough, breathing is interrupted and can even stop. This prevents vital oxygen from filling the lungs. This causes oxygen in the bloodstream to drop and makes the heart work much harder than it should in order to circulate what oxygen there is in the blood. Blood pressure goes up and the heart begins beating irregularly.

Others Suffer Too
We all know how important a good night’s sleep is to our health and well being and unrestful sleep can disrupt our lives in many ways.
In addition to the very real health concerns, noted above, the lives of those who live with someone who snores can be disrupted as well. Ask any spouse who lays awake at night, unable to sleep because of a loved one’s snoring and you’ll know the person snoring is not the only one who suffers.

What Can Be Done?
Treatments for snoring and sleep apnea have existed for some time. Unfortunately, most are very expensive, unwieldy and sometimes require surgery.

About half of those patients who have been given CPAP machines no longer use them because of the annoyance they quickly found them to be.

But now there is a painless, affordable and extremely effective way to stop snoring and get a good night’s sleep. Acupuncture has been shown is several clinical studies to be very effective at reducing snoring and sleep apnea, leading to a better nights rest. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce “apnea events” by 49% after even a single session of acupuncture. Perhaps that is why many patients who come in for other complaints often report back that they got the best nights sleep in years.

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While even a single session of acupuncture can dramatically reduce snoring and sleep apnea and restore a restful night sleep, a short course of 6 sessions seems to produce the greatest, longest lasting benefit for most people, with occasion “tune-ups” thereafter.
Many people say that they’ve never been so rested and energetic before. Even if you already wear a CPAP or been treated with dental appliances or another treatments, you can still receive this special stop snoring treatment at our office.

Don’t put up with fatigue and frustration for a moment longer. Call our office today at 434-8700 and schedule your appointment. You’ll be glad you did.

Austin Acupuncture Clinic
Acupuncture • Oriental Medicine • Herbal Pharmacy
Jason Richard L.Ac.
115 4th Ave NE Austin, MN 55912
(507) 434-8700

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